Tuesday, 10 June 2014

3 Most Idiotic Ways To Promote Your Blog Online

We already have number of smart tips to improve our blog ranking, and its traffic from all over the world. Recently, I have shared both online and offline ways to bring traffic to blog or a website, and while collecting those tips from my research I have found some tips that should make you laugh at your own self while doing them in the real life. I have named those tips as most idiotic ways to promote the blog or an online business.  You must be thinking what will be tips that highlighted here as most idiotic ways to promote the business.
Many of you may have never tried any of the below mentioned tip in his life, but now I am expecting that I will start seeing many bloggers doing the activities that am going to share with you guys here.  In recent forum talks, I have noticed many bloggers and SEO experts believe blog commenting with do-follow links are the best way to increase the traffic, and somehow now they are totally depending on the single way to promote their blogs and website.
However, after today, I believe some of them will surely give a try to the below mentioned tips.  Personally, I have tried one of the tip, and got some remarks from my friends and that were “Idiot, what are you doing? ;) ” so, after receiving such remarks, I decided to name these tips as idiotic ways to promote the business. Actually, not only the online, you can also promote offline business.
So here are the ways to promote your business…

3 Most Idiotic Ways To Promote Your Blog Online!

College Benches

Yes, you can use them, not only for sitting with your friends, or to wait for someone you can actually make them use for your marketing and free of cost promotion of your business and online blog. You can write your brand name there, or your website URL with interesting offers.

Public Toilets

Public toilets are one of the most freaker choices to go with. The public fills mostly public toilets with some random crap, and you will see lot of 3rd grade jokes, and quotes, even you will find some person’s numbers too. So don’t hesitate to use them for your marketing, and advertising of your blog and business. :-P

Dusty Car Windows

Get yourself to some open-parking lot, you will find number of non-cleaned cars with windows full of dust. The window full of dust is like an empty whiteboard to write anything on it. Use to write your blog name or your brand name. It will do a free and wider advertising for you.

Over to you!

I hope these activities will make you laugh at loud at yourself, ;) and as well as will bring number of remarks to your marketing approaches for your online / offline business. Do let me what is your most idiotic way to promote your blog?

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