I saw on the internet,mostly people Visit Site And Search on The
internet how They Hack Facebook Account and Passwords.i Have Decided
That This trick Share With Friends And viewers.its easy and simple
Methods. if You read Carefully Hopefully You will Do This.all method
given below.just read and do carefully.This trick Mostly Hackers Use for
Hacking Any Facebook Accounts.
First Step Is.
First you must sign for a free web hosting service like www.byethost.com or www.t35.com or www.000webhost.com And register your sub domain.
after signing you will have a Your sub domain like www.yoursitename.byethost.com
Second Step Is.
Now log in to your account go to "control panel" then in site management option go to "online file manager" and open the folder "htdocs".
Third Step Is.
Now Click Here to DOWNLOAD THIS FILE to your computer add extract the file. Inside the folder you will find three files index.php and hello.php and login_again.htm.
Fourth Step is.
Now replace the index.php file in the "htdocs" of the "online file manager" with the file index.php of the phisher folder in your computer and also upload hello.php and login_again.htm files in "htdocs" thats it! you are done.
Fifth Step is.
Now your homepage www.yoursitename.byethost.com has become a phisher. open it, you will see that your page www.yoursitename.byethost.com has become the login page of the site you want to hack.now all you have to do is send this link to the person whose account you want to hack.when he tries to login through it you will receive a file password.html in your "htdocs" folder of your phpnet.us account which contains the username and password of your victim.
Sixth Step is.
Go to http://www.yoursitename.byethost.com/lol.htm for see the stored passwords !
Personal Note:- The attacker must have a very good convincing power to hack the Facebook password with this method. Please try this method carefully as now it is widely known and the target may soon guess the attacker's intentions. The target may report the fake site and you may get in trouble.
The Facebook not allow to share your fake Facebook Site on Facebook You can use Domain hiding system to share your fake Facebook site Using This Given Below.
Click Here
How Facebook account Hacking By Phishing.
Follow These All Steps.
First Step Is.
First you must sign for a free web hosting service like www.byethost.com or www.t35.com or www.000webhost.com And register your sub domain.
after signing you will have a Your sub domain like www.yoursitename.byethost.com
Second Step Is.
Now log in to your account go to "control panel" then in site management option go to "online file manager" and open the folder "htdocs".
Third Step Is.
Now Click Here to DOWNLOAD THIS FILE to your computer add extract the file. Inside the folder you will find three files index.php and hello.php and login_again.htm.
Fourth Step is.
Now replace the index.php file in the "htdocs" of the "online file manager" with the file index.php of the phisher folder in your computer and also upload hello.php and login_again.htm files in "htdocs" thats it! you are done.
Fifth Step is.
Now your homepage www.yoursitename.byethost.com has become a phisher. open it, you will see that your page www.yoursitename.byethost.com has become the login page of the site you want to hack.now all you have to do is send this link to the person whose account you want to hack.when he tries to login through it you will receive a file password.html in your "htdocs" folder of your phpnet.us account which contains the username and password of your victim.
Sixth Step is.
Go to http://www.yoursitename.byethost.com/lol.htm for see the stored passwords !
Personal Note:- The attacker must have a very good convincing power to hack the Facebook password with this method. Please try this method carefully as now it is widely known and the target may soon guess the attacker's intentions. The target may report the fake site and you may get in trouble.
The Facebook not allow to share your fake Facebook Site on Facebook You can use Domain hiding system to share your fake Facebook site Using This Given Below.
Click Here
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